Showing posts with label Teleportation. Show all posts
Teleportation Alien Jinn Child Caught In Nepal CCTV - Breakdown

Teleportation Alien Jinn Child Caught In Nepal CCTV - Breakdown

Is this a video of an alien or jinn teleporting onto the streets of Nepal? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this mysterious vide...
The story of Gil Perez and his unexplained teleportation

The story of Gil Perez and his unexplained teleportation

Gil Pérez was a Spanish soldier of the Filipino Guardia Civil who allegedly suddenly appeared in the Plaza Mayor of Mexico City (more than ...
Seattle Attorney claims to have Time Traveled

Seattle Attorney claims to have Time Traveled

VANCOUVER, Wash. - The new Bruce Willis movie "Looper" opens this weekend, in which Willis' character is sent back in time to ...
5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape

5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape

From cars disappearing to cars appearing out of nowhere, this video takes a look at the top 5 car teleportations that have been caught on ta...
Teleportation Caught On Camera At Park - Breakdown

Teleportation Caught On Camera At Park - Breakdown

Did this person teleport or vanish at the park? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the footage and gives us his thoughts. What do ...